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Name:Archivist Grade III in the Department of Justice
Authority:Department of Justice
Website:Department of Justice
Start Date:14/09/2023 at 09:00
Closing Date:28/09/2023 at 15:00


An opportunity now exists for a suitably qualified and committed individual to take up

the role of Archivist Grade III in the Department of Justice.

The Archivist Grade III will perform a range of professional duties in connection

with the preservation of, and facilitating access to archives throughout the Department.

This will include giving advice on the management of records and archives,

developing training and other programmes with regards to archives and records


Successful applicants will be placed on a panel, in order of merit.

The panel will remain in place for up to 2 years.

Vacancies of a closely similar nature arising elsewhere in the wider

Civil Service may be filled from the panel established on foot of this competition.

Candidates must possess, on or before the deadline:

  • A primary degree at a minimum of NFQ7
    • Hold a qualification of at least level 9 on the National Framework of
    Qualifications in archival studies from a course accredited by the Archives and
    Records Association UK and Ireland
    • Have at least two years satisfactory post-qualification experience of
    working as an archivist
    • Have demonstrable knowledge of best professional practice and
    appropriate standards with regard to the management of records and archives
    • Have demonstrable knowledge of current information and governance
    compliance requirements and legislation, e.g. National Archives Acts, 1986 and 2018;
    data protection legislation (GDPR), FOI, copyright etc.
    • Have excellent ITC skills including proficiency in working with
    Excel spreadsheets and archival and/or records management software and systems
    • Have the ability to work independently and/or as part of
    team (as required), within a defined programme of work
    • Have the ability to work under pressure and to deadlines
    • Have excellent organisational ability and a proven record of
    methodical and accurate work;
    • High degree of motivation and a commitment to high quality output and service
    • Have good communication skills, good interpersonal skills and ability to work in
    spirit of co-operation with staff in all grades.
Desirable Skills/Experience

Personal membership of a relevant professional body in archives or records management

Tá an deis ann anois do dhuine atá cáilithe agus tiomanta go cuí tabhairt

faoin ról mar Chartlannaí Grád III sa Roinn Dlí agus Cirt.

Beidh an Cartlannaí Grád III i mbun réimse de dhualgais ghairmiúla a bhaineann le

caomhnú na gcartlann agus rochtain orthu a éascú ar fud na Roinne.

Áireofar ar na dualgais sin, comhairle a thabhairt i leith bhainistiú na dtaifead agus na

gcartlann, cláir oiliúna agus cláir eile a fhorbairt i leith bhainistiú na gcartlann agus na dtaifead.

Cuirfear iarratasóirí a n-éireoidh leo ar phainéal, in ord fiúntais. Beidh an painéal

i bhfeidhm ar feadh tréimhse suas go dtí 2 bhliain.

Féadfar folúntais atá an-chosúil leis na folúntais seo a thiocfaidh chun cinn i réimse

eile sa Státseirbhís i gcoitinne a líonadh ón bpainéal atá bunaithe mar thoradh ar an gcomórtas seo.

Riachtanais Riachtanacha

Ní mór na nithe seo a leanas a bheith ag iarrthóirí, ar an spriocdháta nó roimhe sin:

    · Príomhchéim ar leibhéal NFQ7 ar a laghad

      ·Cáilíocht ag leibhéal 9 ar a laghad ar an gCreat Náisiúnta Cáilíochtaí a bheith acu
      i staidéar cartlainne ó chúrsa atá creidiúnaithe ag an gCumann Cartlann agus Taifead sa
      Ríocht Aontaithe agus in Éirinn
      • Taithí shásúil iar-cháilíochta dhá bhliain ar a laghad ar bheith ag obair mar chartlannaí
      • Eolas is féidir a léiriú ar dhea-chleachtas gairmiúil agus ar chaighdeáin chuí
      i dtaobh taifid agus cartlanna a bhainistiú
      • Eolas is féidir a léiriú ar cheanglais agus reachtaíocht reatha comhlíonta faisnéise
      agus rialachais, e.g. na hAchtanna um Chartlann Náisiúnta, 1986 agus 2018;
      reachtaíocht cosanta sonraí (GDPR), Saoráil Faisnéise, cóipcheart etc.
      • Sárscileanna TFC a bheith acu lena n-áirítear inniúlacht ar bheith ag obair le
      scarbhileoga Excel agus bogearraí agus córais chartlainne agus/nó bainistithe taifead
      • Ábalta oibriú go neamhspleách agus/nó mar chuid d’fhoireann
      (de réir mar is gá), laistigh de chlár sainithe oibre
      • Ábalta obair a dhéanamh faoi bhrú agus de réir spriocdhátaí
      • Sárchumas eagrúcháin a bheith ionat agus cuntas cruthaithe
      ar obair chúramach agus chruinn;
      • Leibhéal ard spreagtha agus tiomantas d’aschur agus seirbhís
      • Dea-scileanna cumarsáide, dea-scileanna idirphearsanta agus
      ábalta oibriú le meon comhoibrithe le baill foirne i ngach grád.
    Scileanna/Taithí Inmhianta

    <Ballraíocht phearsanta i gcomhlacht ábhartha gairmiúil bainistithe cartlann nó taifead

    Information Booklet FAQ Booklet Application Form

    Archivist Grade III Booklet .pdf

    Competition Instructions.pdf

    Application Form - Competition for Archivist Grade III.docx

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    Closed: 28/09/2023 15:00:00

    Now: 22/10/2024 02:54:39
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